It has now been 2 weeks since the release of our documentary "Thinking Of Forever". Since the moment it was released we have received nothing but great feedback, people really enjoyed the film, and we appreciate everyone for watching. If felt good to know that a lot of people got the point we were trying to get across. That point was to follow your dreams no matter what, just keep pushing, life will throw everything at you, sometimes all at once. This is not to stop you from achieving your goals, but to make sure you are ready for them, we have to struggle before we can reach the top, the climb is often the most fun part, but also can be the most stressful. But that struggle is what makes reaching the top worth it, once you get to the top of what ever mountain you are climbing, looking back down to see just how high you reached makes it all worth it.

I recently had a conversation with a friend, she asked me what do I do to keep going when sometimes all you want to do is stop. I thought about it and I knew exactly where she was coming from, we have all been there, running as fast as we can to get to something and we get about half way and we want to stop. Either your tired, or your stressed, or the world just seems to be on a mission to make you quit. Yeah I have been there, I get there every once and a while, and the same thing that gets me there is what gets me out. Its the stress, the frustration, and pain of having to work so hard to achieve something that many people wont. That thought is what keeps me going, I think about all the work I have put it, and how far Ive come for me to just stop now. I remind myself that I knew it wouldn't be easy, so why stop now, why quit when I chose this life, this dream, this path. So there is no stopping, as long as I am physically able, I wont stop, I can't stop.

This post is to thank you all that gave us positive feedback, for all of you who gave us no feedback, those who made suggestions, and those who wanted to be part of the movement, those who still don't believe in the movement. We thank you all, it is because of you we are ready to take it to the next level. This is just the beginning and trust we don't plan on stopping anytime soon. we can see the top of that mountain, and the climb continues, see you at the top.