Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The MUA!

The MUA!

I spent my Cinco De Mayo weekend shooting some promo shots and videos for a great MUA by the name of Jaleeda Floyd. Ms Jaleeda is a very talented young lady, and a pleasure to work with. I found myself having a lot more fun on this shoot than I thought I would. the ladies were very cool, and professional. Made my job easy, and Jaleeda work ethic and skills truly impressed me. Its funny now that I think about it, as a photographer I never really cared much to understand how the make up and styling process worked. to my surprise, its not different from what I do to prepare and execute each shoot. Jaleeda and her crew educated me on what it takes to be an MUA.

I got a chance to interview her about the art of Make Up, and trust me people its an art, these people are like painters and their canvas is the human face and in some occasions the body. Just like Photography and film it takes vision and a lot of creativity to do what they do. After this weekend I have nothing but respect for MUAs all over the world. 

Here is what Ms Jaleeda had to say

TTL: What made you want to be a MUA?

Jaleeda: As a child I always painted pictures and did a lot of sketching, Pretty much any form of art was my outlet and my way of expressing myself without speaking. If I could say more without speaking, in my mind that always meant more.

TTL: Really, sounds familiar, lol, so where did the MUA come into play?

Jaleeda: Makeup Artistry became a main focus for me because I feel that if you feel beautiful then your inner beauty will glow. Make up isn't about covering up your beauty, but editing those beautiful features you already have. I had a lot of model friends and I always like doing my own make up, so the natural artistic progression was MUA. I always say "theres nothing wrong with enhancing your natural beauty".

TTL: What is your goal as a MUA, what would you like people walk away with when they have seen or experienced your work?

Jaleeda: My goals as a makeup artist is to always leave my client feeling beautiful, second is to remain at the top of my game, its a passion but its also a craft that needs constant practice to make perfect. New styles and skills can be learned everyday so I never reach a point were it becomes repetitive. Long term goal is to become a celebrity/fashion MUA.

TTL: What pushes you, where do you find inspiration and motivation?
Jaleeda: My motivation is God. I have been through so many things in life that he has always gotten me through the low valleys and helped me climb the high mountains. Artistically I could never stop being expressive, what he has given me is a unique way to silently express my self the same way he speaks to me. He shows his love for me everyday and I'm thankful for that.

For more info on Jaleeda Floyd please visit her website www.itsjaleeda.com you can also follower her on twitter:@ItsJaleeda and Instagram: ItsJaleeda. As Usual you know you can follow us on twitter: @KingBishopPro and Instagram: KingBishopPro our website is www.kingbishoppro.com 

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