Thursday, October 20, 2011


Now that the first post is up and out the way, lets get into it, right now I am currently using a Cannon 7D, which is a great DSLR by the way. A DSLR is a Digital Single Lens Reflex camera. It is Digital because it uses a chip rather than film. I love this camera, very easy to use and best of all produces great photos. I've been using the Cannon 7D for about 3 months now, but I am a true believer that great photography and film making, like any art has less to do with technical skill or expensive equipment, but more so what the artist is trying to share with the world. Of course, technical skills are important, but it doesn't define you as an artists, or at least it shouldn't. Anyone can take great photos and make great films with pretty much anything. Even your favorite news station uses video and photos from people using just their camera phones, and they get paid for it. Hollywood often use lower end equipment, most of the time it's to get an authentic look, or simply to budget. We are all photographers and film makers, I know some people who take pictures of themselves doing any and everything. Im sure you do as well, or could very well be one of those people. Thats the world we live in today, nothing is ever missed, because of technology, someone is always watching, that's right we all are living through the lens. Ironically I don't really care to be in front of the camera, rather behind. I love people who love to be in front of the camera, they are always ready and willing to be your subject, its always fun to be the center of attention. That is the very reason for things like twitter, facebook and other forms of social networking. Since I started this blog to discuss and view life and everything in it through the lens, here is a photo of me, hopefully the rest of you wont be too shy to do the same. So keep living through the lens, I will be adding a link to my flickr photostream soon.


  1. Through the lens (our Eyes) we have seen it all. The mind takes the picture and develops an understanding of the world around us. The world around us is closer now than it has ever been. With the advent of Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites, the mind now has a platform for the pictures and the ability to tell the world of its experiences. Shaping the world around us is a gift once given to few-the ones trained to tell it-now given to many. I have been in the television industry for over 8 years now and have seen the turn that no one thought would come.

    When will we see the power we have been given. When will we see the influence we now have on the world. When will we use it properly. Tell of the pain, struggle, and the triumph in your life.

    Thank you Bishop for this platform.

    See, Shoot, and deliver your dreams. This is the new American Dream!

  2. Well said Mr Williams, its the most exciting way to find commonality in the world. Thats exactly what film makers and photographers do everyday. We want the world to see our vision, our heart, our joy and our pain, and because we all are connected, somewhere in the world someone can relate. Thats what makes outlets like youtube so addictive. We all want to know that there is someone out there just as silly, clumsy, or delusional as we all can be. Thanks for the comment.
