Friday, November 4, 2011

Time is currency

Hello all

I got a chance to see "In Time" last night. It was a good movie, the concept was a lot better than I thought it would be. The whole idea that time and currency can be equal is very fascinating to me. I mean in a lot of ways, working to earn money is basically buying time. One needs food to continue living, medicine to keep on living, I think you see where I'm going with this. So if you had to look at life from that perspective, working for more time, not more money, what would you do with that time. I have always said that the most valuable thing anyone on this earth can have is time. Nothing worse than wasting time, because you can never get it back. That last few hours that you put off doing something, you will never get those hours back. The 12 dollars I just spent to see that movie, well I get that back tomorrow, I can earn another 12 dollars easy. So I say use your time wisely, and make the best of every moment, never dwell on the past or things that you can not change. Learn from each mistake but cherish them for the lessons that come from making those mistakes. That's what life is about, your parents or elders can tell you everything that's going to happen in your life, but nothing can compare to actually living and learning from those experiences. If there is something you have been telling yourself that you will do, stop saying and do it. Don't wast the God's greatest gift, don't waste time talking about living, and actually start living. Make every second count!!!!

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