Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Beauty is in the hands of the editor

I read this article and it brought to mind something that is common knowledge but yet people ignore it more often than they should. Beauty, yes I know you didn't see that coming, but beauty is really the biggest fabrication that the media sells. Some of the most beautiful actors, models and singers, you see them all the time on magazines, tv, big screen, you may never admit it, but deep down there's a little voice in your head saying, wish I looked like that. Well guess what, you can, but not in real life. I will be the first to tell you that everything that shimmers is not gold, I think that's how the saying goes, never the less you get my point. Yes some of these people are beautiful, I say some because more than half of them we have never seen what they really look like. These people look like dolls because there is a magician in a editing room on a Mac computer retouching every little imperfection out of that photograph. Yes these people are normal just like the rest of us, they have pimples, stretch marks, wrinkles, all those things that makes them human. It's no secret that artificial beauty is more accepted in today's society, and natural beauty well not so much. It's only going to get worse, fake butts, fake breasts, fake tans, fake hair, all to look as artificial as possible. As a photographer I understand this and deal with it because I must, but I am a true believer in natural beauty. I think we are all perfect the way we are, as long as its not unhealthy. Nothing wrong with working out to get fit, n look great in that dress ladies. Starving yourself on the other hand, there is nothing healthy or attractive about that. To many women and men, are killing themselves to reach an unrealistic goal. Striving to look like these people do on magazines, is definitely unhealthy, and damn near impossible. No one looks like that naturally, especially not them. You should love yourself just the way you are, and define your own concept of what beauty is, don't let any person or machine do it for you!!! Click the link below for the article.... Enjoy!!!


1 comment:

  1. Celebrities or not, TV or not, we are all beautiful in our own way like you pointed out. However, looking or presenting themselves a certain way is part of the life of a celebrity, considering this is their job. A good way for most people to analyze this is the sudden transformation that takes over most TV personnels after they make it in the industry. For instance, Google the lady that was in the TV show "I love New York" or even "flavor of love". She looks absolutely stunning now to me compared to when she first started. IMO, this isn't just bcos of make up, but also other contributing factors like money, which grants this folks better life style through well trained nutritionists, personal trainers, spa treatments, and so on. Although unfortunate to some, money buys a lot of things in life...including the artificial beauty Bishop mentioned. This doesn't mean this people are better than you, it just shows there is unequal access to many beauty products and lifestyle modification experts that comes with financial stability. Then the sky is the limit when make up and computer manipulations are applied during editing, or prior to editing in reference to the make up. However, we are not all on TV but I see so many beautiful women everyday, it boils down to taking care of yourself, both internally and externally. A man whose only wealth is money, is the poorest man alive. And to whom God has chosen to bless, he does so exceedingly. We are all blessed, just look carefully, observe Your environment and people around you, and surely u will see at least one good reason you should feel blessed.
