Friday, March 30, 2012

Summer is coming!

Let's talk about weight loss since summer is coming n everyone wants to lose weight and look good in the summer. It wont be easy, but it will all be worth it, being healthy and looking and feeling great are just a few of the many benefits. When i first moved to Atlanta i gained 30 pounds from eating horribly. School I'm the morning work at night, no time to workout or cook, so my eating habits consisted of choosing between KFC N CHURCHES CHICKEN! Lets just say it wasn't hard to add on the pounds. Losing weight was hard for me at first, because I was in denial about actually being over weight. It wasn't until one day after a pool party I saw a picture of myself and realized I needed to lose weight. I started out by cutting down my calorie intake per day, and I lost about 15 pounds in about a month n a half. Than started working out on a regular bases, about 5 times a week. Once I started hitting the gym, the weight just melted off, I'm naturally athletic, I played almost every sport you can think of when I was in high school so it was like being in highschool again. I believe that was the key for me, I tried to make it as fun as possible. But it all starts with the mental aspect, most people fail at losing weight because they are not mentally ready. The body can do amazing things when you put your mind to it. Stop saying it's hard, I can't do it, my body can't take it. I stress to all my friends who frequently ask me for weight loss tips that you have to really want it, and sometimes smack the laziness out of you. It is easy to say, oh I can do it tomorrow, oh this one cheeseburger won't hurt. Next thing you know it's 2 months later, tomorrow came and went, you haven't seen the inside of a gym, and yes that burger did hurt. My 3 tips on losing weight, healthy diet, great exserize regiment, and most importantly mental toughness. You can join a gym, but it takes drive and dedication to actually get up and go, it takes discipline to say now to that burger and fries and pick up a salad. The best part about it is we all can do it, not just athletes and models, we all can get fit and stay fit!!!!

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