Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thank You for making me smile!

Good morning everyone, it's been a minute, I know, I apologize. God has been blessing me with so many opportunities that I've been really busy. Which is what this post will be about, God's blessings. I believe that one of the greatest blessings God has given me, is the vision to see my blessings, and to be able to find positivity out of every situation. There are some people in this world that go through so much, and suffer so much that they tend to let that suffering distract them from all the good they have in their lives. Some people are chosen to do great things, these people are truly blessed and are given all they need in this world to make themselves into what God has planned for them. Now i don't mean money, I'm not talking about anything material, its in them, its a talent, a God given gift, its the strength that God gave them, and the power of influence and inspiration. Unfortunately these people often suffer the most, they are usually the ones who have lived through hell. Now I will not sit here and pretend to be the most religious person in the world, nor will I pretend to know how God works, I just know he is Great and everything that he does is with intent to make you and I better. I recently met a young woman, and while I'm talking to her, and hearing her story, I felt like I was watching a movie. As she went on to tell me her all the things she has been through in her life, all I could think was, wow, I am truly blessed. I know what your thinking, but let me explain. Every word she spoke instead of making me sad, just gave me strength. It was the most amazing experience I have ever had. Her story is a very sad one, but I couldn't help but have a huge smile on my face, because all I heard was God got me through it.She has been through more than anyone should, now if you cant picture what hell is like, well just listen to her story, you will get a clear picture. But that is not what is special about her, its not her pain, its not her struggle that makes her special, I mean we all have pain, we all have struggled, maybe some more than others, but its part of life. What made me gravitate towards her is the fact that she is still standing, and she is still in the fight. This young woman, has been raped, molested, used, abused by family, battered, bruised nearly destroyed and left for dead. Yet she did not let any of those things break her, she not only survived hell, but she has gone back to help others come up out of it. She also is fighting to keep other kids from going through what she went through. She has started foundations, and is a mentor to kids in her local area. Because she never gave up, she is doing better now than all those people who contributed to her pain and suffering. That's the power of God, that's the strength and drive that God puts in all of us. This woman has accomplished so much in life and has so much more ahead of her, she is truly amazing. Its people like her that inspires others to keep fighting, because of her great display of strength, she is able to give strength to others just like her. In my opinion no accomplishment is greater than helping someone find hope, helping them find inspiration to keep moving forward. This is what I believe God truly has intended for all of us. When I meet people like this young lady I get rejuvenated and realize that I'm on the right path to giving back what God put in me. The strength and the power to inspire others to smile knowing that no matter what the world throws at you, God has given you the power to take it all and keep fighting. So to Ms "Yazzii" , I say thank you, thank you for making me smile, and most importantly, thank you for never giving up. You are my inspiration!

Hope y'all have a blessed and productive day.

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